Santa Barbara Models
We provide representation for Santa Barbara area aspring models.
Need models? jModels is your resource for Santa Barbara models
and San Luis Obispo models!
Need artists? We produce commercial photo shoots for web, look books, and help with imagery for social media. -
For model booking information
and access to complete model database:
call 805-323-3343
We have lots more models, makeup artists, hair stylists, photographers, assistance and production crew members!
Let us know what the type of models or resources you need. We have dozens of additional talent not listed here.
Contact us to access our complete model/ talent database.
Santa Barbara Models Team
For booking our models please email
We have female models, male models, fitness models and additional alternative gender models available as well.
Contact us regarding your needs and we can find the model suited to your needs.
If you are a Santa Barbara model an interested in joining the team:
Complete a Model Application
click here
You can email inquiries and photos to us at
Fitness Models
We are now know as a leader providing fitness models to the health, fitness and sporting goods industry. As we are based in the nation's health and fitness hub, Santa Barbara, California we have access to a great number of model athletes and general fitness models. We have provided fitness models to clients such as GNC (Lead Spokes Model), Bass Pro Shops, Mizuno USA, Deckers, Purnell Gear, Global Physique, Dick's Sporting Goods, Horny Toad, XEN International, FRS 5 Hour Energy, Body Post and Yesterday Sportswear to name a few clients. We are always open to recruit new local talent. If you need fitness models, contact us for more information.
For photo shoot information please email or visit our Fitness models listings
Santa Barbara Photography
Our production arm is also based out of Santa Barbara.
California Image specializes in working with those in the fashion industry.
Of the many things we do for companies, we focus in producing photo shoots with our photography team and ever growing team of models.
Clients choose which models fit their image in several idyllic settings.
photo shoot information please email
Commercial Services